Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Sigma~Summit 2015 News Update (In Life Transitions...)

Hello all,

It's Brother Ever Light.

Lately I have been very busy with the Christian street ministry the Lord Jesus Christ has given me to partake in... as well as personal life challenges with family and friends...

A lot of things have been going on from personal betrayal, isolation and seething bitterness and resentment but the Lord will see me through...

I pray everyone is doing alright and I have never forgotten about "the works" in running this blog and my other websites:

1. Create And Build Your Life:

2. Gaining Strength Through Weakness:

There's a whole lot I intend to do with "Sigma~Summit" into this New Year 2015 and God-willing I hope I will find the time to do it.

Stay safe everyone and remember: LORD JESUS CHRIST LOVES YOU!


Bro. Ever Light