Saturday, June 18, 2016

Sigma Life Experience: Going Through Personal WEAKNESS...

As a Sigma man when you are in WEAKNESS and you are rejected by society because of your (evil)-doing; society's doing or a combination of the two; you ought to stay as HIDDEN and ISOLATED from other people as you can until you can recover your spiritual, mental and physical strength and think with a CLEAR MIND without anger, hatred, jealousy/envy and confusion clouding your mental JUDGMENT. Amen.

Sigma Life Experience: The Social COST Of A "Dislikable Personality"...

If you have a "dislikable personality" and people "don't want to be around you" because you are an arrogant (hot-headed) "know-it-all" people will resent you and want you to stay SILENT, be QUIET and virtually treat you like you "don't exist" or you don't matter like as though "banished by the Tribe" so-to-speak.

That's why you have to watch out for yourself and take care of yourself FIRST because NO ONE else will care or help you out in your personal troubles.


That's why to reach to people who might ignore you, you may have to speak to someone the people *like* to indirectly *share your message* to the people or person(s) you intend to reach. Amen.

Sigma Life Experience: The Expectation Of LEADERSHIP...

As a naturally-dominant Alpha or Sigma man people look up to you and "expect" you to do the "heavy lifting" of the burdens of LEADERSHIP; leading the people by action, example and word.

And if you fail, falter, become weak or "mentally-disoriented" in your life, the same people become "upset" and "disappointed" with YOU; and so disregard and REJECT YOU in tribal fashion as you "lose respect" and admiration from them and they may think, "Uh-huh, you're not as good as we (you) thought you are. You're not an "extraverted" likable Alpha male but a "lone wolf" floater of society."

You are ostracized as a "fallen" lone wolf character banished from the Tribe as expectant "leader" from your temporary lapse of personal weakness in everyone's sight and eyes. Amen.