Thursday, October 8, 2015

The Sigma Existence In The World

As a Sigma man ye must ALWAYS be on the move NOT staying in any one place at any time. 
A reclusive Sigma is like an isolated “transplant” from one area to another with no social ties or history; just “plopped” into a new place (environment).
A woman rejected by a potential suitor has the option of “retreating back” to the safety and comfort of Alpha man’s clan – the Sigma man does not.
The Sigma is ON HIS OWN.
You are ON YOUR OWN as a Sigma man.
A Sigma can always be alone. Solitude is always there whether in or out of society: a Sigma is ALONE.
Therefore, reconnect back into society as you feel led by the Lord Jesus Christ… Amen...

1 comment:

  1. The Sigma is adaptable. In his life he has never needed others and anything hierarchy related to feel good.

    As a kid I never wanted to make friends until I was forced by my parents and the teachers. I naturally reverted back to a loner the moment I could. Don't be contaminated by these assholes trying to fit you in a mould.
