Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Sigma Game: Go to Sleep Early

Sleep is the most important thing to good health before exercise and eating healthy.
Your body, your "person" is the 'thing' you operate (only God owns you and me) as a tool to achieve goals therefore your body should be maintained in good condition.
If you can't function, if you can't function, how are you going to be able to perform your best on a job or your ambitions?
It does not matter how smart or talented you are if you can't use your knowledge to get positive results in your life because your body can't function thus you will not get to where you want to be.
I have been guilty of not sleeping early enough and staying up too late online. I'm working on stopping that bad habit replacing it with the good habit of sleeping early (preferably at 8:00 p.m.)...



  1. I recommend you look at the research of melatonin production and sleep times. Getting into a habit of going to bed at very odd hours can be a death sentence.

    1. Yikes! Thanks for the info and advice. I definitely need to follow-through on this; though the Good OL' Lord keeps me going.
