Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sigam Social Game: "Watch Your Own Back..."

As a Sigma man you should ALWAYS be "on guard" about avoiding certain social situations with people (*whenever possible*) that put you at a disadvantage.

You should always be ready to AVOID, EJECT yourself from and even ESCAPE from potentially unnecessary, self-endangering social situations with people that threatens YOUR LIFE.

Sometimes you have to "retreat" and "regroup". Sometimes you have to suffer through the pain and persecution to ultimately prevail.

This is NOT cowardice.

This is about "being smart" about your own SELF-PRESERVATION of YOUR LIFE not being ended early by the unwise foolish consequences of dealing with FOOLISH, IGNORANT people who don't know any better or what they are doing.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Sigma Social Game: "Your Voice"...

Put some "bass" into your voice as YOU consciously speak in a deeper voice to yourself and around other people until speaking in your "deep voice" becomes a naturally-ingrained behaviour of yours.

Sigma Life Experience: The Natural Sigma Life Rhythym Pattern Of "Ups & Downs"

As a Sigma man when you instinctively and psychologically-sense and feel your energy waning and you are going into a small spell of a temporary mental and physical depression; you need to retreat to safe ground to get somewhere and recover.

Get some rest and go to sleep without being too exposed in your personal physical weakness around people (even so-called "family" and "friends") that people take advantage of your weakness and inflict damage on you to DESTROY you.

The Young Sigma Child...

Ask yourself...


Sigma Life Experience: "Psychological Scars"

When a young proto-Sigma man child is left "mentally-exposed" to prolonged, stressful, psychological mental trauma and anguish over the course of his early boyhood; that has to do with the "introverted formation" of a Sigma male rather than the physiological, psychological, extraverted natural-born Alpha males...

Sigma Social Game: Dominant Man In Group Commerce...

Naturally-dominant Alpha and Sigma men naturally "STAND OUT" in public view of society, even when not personally intentionally doing anything to receive "unwanted attention".

When walking in a group and you do not want to follow behind, I've learned from personal experience to walk from the side of the lead person(s) leading the group to avoid being "socially devalued" by the group as a naturally-dominant man.