Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Sexual Marketplace Life Experience Observation Summary

The common knowledge is that white guys have the monopoly in the sexual marketplace; they can date their own, Asian girls, Latinas, occasional  Black girls or virtually any "exotic" hottie of their taste.
Black guys either stick with the sistahs, date white girls, less often Hispanic girls and occasional Asian girls. Black guys almost can have the wider selection of women white men have but usually at a greater cost socio-economically. Thus, most Black men either stay with "Black" or go with "White"women on whole.
White men stick mostly with their own but the occasional few go with the Asian, Hispanic or Euro girls more so than Black/African women (usually the "p.u.a" types).
Hispanic men usually stay within their ethnicity or go White or Black if they want a different "flavor".
Other than that, from what I've seen, mostly the Asian men (more than any other ethnicity unfortunately) are the only men with a "narrower" selection in the sexual marketplace. Asian men either pair with their Asian peers in the West or face difficulty finding a mate outside of their ethnicity. Only a small minority of Asian men date White/Black or other ethnic groups of women to a very small percentage. So, usually their best bets is to rack up some Western wealth, social status, power, influence and travel back to their ancestral lands to really rack it up with women. In Western society as a whole, they are type-casted as weak, nerdy betas with low T (testosterone) and sexual libido and so begrudgingly most Asian guys need to conform to this "image" of the Asian male.
I've had the privilege of seeing at least 2 dominant Asian men (could have been Alphas or Sigmas?) but b/c not used to seeing that I just thought they were high-level betas but not Alphas? I've never heard of an "Asian" Alpha/Sigma male b/c the common knowledge was that Asians have lower testosterone levels than most ethnicities b/c a above average testosterone level usually goes with the formation of a Alpha/Sigma male. If there are Sigma Asian males there must also be Alphas?

P.S. Here's a link a friend sent me by email on interracial marriages and divorce. An interesting read.

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