Monday, May 19, 2014

Standard Racial Hierarchy Example of White/Black Alpha & Sigma Males (In Western Society)

The "race hierarchy of top "ALPHA" men in Western Society:
1. White Alpha
2. White Sigma
3. Black Alpha
4. Black Sigma
Note: White Sigs are ranked higher than Black Alphas b/c although not directly in the social game by choice they still have comparative social status, power and influence to White Alphas in the broadest Western (European) society by their ethnicity.

White Sigma's leadership (if he chooses to lead) supersedes the Black Alpha's (even if White Sigma doesn't have equal  or greater (lower) social skills and dominance) who in turn confers to White Sigma naturally knowing his top status in Western Society, even if socially, Black Alpha is more suited.

People will pay attention, listen or follow White Sigma's lead given he is the epitome of Western Society as a whole.

In any (social) situation a dominant white male resides, HE IS THE TOP MAN (culturally-speaking).

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