Thursday, May 15, 2014

Sigma Game: Hanging Out in an Alpha Male's Group

Because Alpha is already established as the leader of the group and you find yourself in the (unfortunate) situation of being "stuck with the group" when you don't want to; it would be counterproductive and unwise to try to challenge the Alpha's authority or replace his leadership because everyone likes him.

Even if you can "handle" the whole commotion -- why bother having a whole group of people mad at you for no important reason to yourself?

A better personal and group beneficial option is to accept a co-op 2-man leadership position where you are the helpful "backup" leader that makes up for the Alpha's weaknesses and blind spots and vice-versa.

Not as some kind of "Beta" sidekick; the Betas are still the sidekicks.

Just "play along" until it's safe to share those "sigmatic" moments!

As Leader #2 you provide the maintenance and social harmony facilitation of the group so everyone gets along with each other for the most part without major trouble.

This leaves Sigma with brief periods of leisure time to roam around, do what he wants, and stay to himself most of the time as he casually keeps watch of the group to see what's going on from time-to-time.

This co-opt leadership role can work well for Sigmas; especially Sigmas that have mastered the simple yet difficult-at-times art of "getting along with people".

At best, when a Sigma does his leadership gig with charm and a welcoming good attitude, the group takes a liking to Sigma; even Alpha.

Just be smooth-- you're not devaluing yourself at all in the presence of an Alpha. You're just passing through brother. Easy sailing. ;)

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